Dad, I will always be thinking of you when I am working on my Ford, watching a drag race, playing with my dogs, watching COPS or The Simpsons, eating a steak sandwich with fries and cold iced milk, shooting at the range, entertaining at a party, and I can go on and on. Thank you for being there and being a provider. I learned a lot from you and I hurt, but I know you feel better now. Hind sight is always 20/20...I wish things were different and you could teach me just a little more or spend time with your Grandkids. You loved the kids so much and they will miss you. This isn't goodbye, it is see you later. I hope you like the the plot we picked out for you and like the way we plan on decorating your casket. I know you were not the flower type, but I think you will like what we picked out. You never know what you had til it's gone. I miss you Dad and til we meet again, I love you.